Curriculum Vitae

Academic Career

01/2021:Venia Legendi for psychology (University of Bamberg)
11/2020:Habilitation in psychology (University of Bamberg)
10/2009:Doctorate in psychology (Dr. rer. nat, Chemnitz University of Technology)
06/2004:Diploma in psychology (Dipl.-Psych., University of Heidelberg)
10/1997 – 06/2004:University studies in psychology, University of Heidelberg


Professional Activity

since 09/2021:Researcher (Post-Doc) at the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories Bamberg in the project Data Literacy
06/2012 - 08/2021:Researcher (Post-Doc) at the Department of Educational Research, University of Bamberg (Prof. Dr. Cordula Artelt)
04/2010 - 05/2012:Researcher (Post-Doc) at the Chair of Psychology of Learning and Instruction, Dresden University of Technology (Prof. Dr. Hermann Körndle)
02/2005 – 03/2010:Researcher at the Chair of Educational Media, Chemnitz University of Technology (Prof. Dr. Maria Bannert)

